Aims of the project

In this project we aim to examine the evolution of shooting in the NBA League by visualizing shots made during the last two decades. The application allows users to filter by season starting from 2000-01, favorite team or even a specific player.

Target audience

The target audience of this project includes NBA and basketball viewers, as well as sports fans in general. However, we aim to also attract data enthusiasts, as we believe this specific case study could clearly demonstrate the amazing benefits of data visualization.

Significance of the work

In the past few years, we have seen various statistics showing the NBA audience all the new 3-point records and how differently the 3-point line is used now. Last season, the Houston Rockets became the first team in NBA history to attempt more 3s than 2s over a full schedule. More than a third of all shot attempts over the past two seasons have been 3s. Before this decade, no individual team had taken such a high percentage of its shots from range in a single season. We believe that visualizing this exact pattern will provide a clear view of the NBA 3-point shot being a game changer.


The dataset was exported from the publicly available data found in the official NBA stats website.


NBA Shot Charts

The NBA's 3-Point Revolution


A few words


Our Team

Software engineer with more than 3 years of experience designing, implementing, testing and delivering complex back-end and web applications. Big data enthusiast currently studying for a Master's in Data and Information Management.

Paris Laftsis

Recently completed Bachelor’s in Physics and currently studying for a Master’s in Information and Communication Technologies. Interested in web development, data analysis and machine learning. NBA fan and occasional hoops shooter.

Dimitris Varsamis

Physics graduate student with passion about new technologies. Currently studying for a Master’s in Information and Communication Technologies. Interests include machine learning and real-world problem solving. Loves dancing.

Vayia Vlachomitrou